Sunday, January 01, 2006


I admit to being a very bad girl and not posting here, or on my Musings website for ages. There is no excuse but laziness.

Although, to be fair, I have been spending quite a bit of time working on a story which is growing nicely (10,000 words plus = yay me!) and reading tonnes. As well as cooking, cleaning, catching up with sleep and generally having a lovely amount of down time!

It has been fantastic to just kick back over the past few weeks and relax. It is such a rushed life these days that it hardly ever happens anymore.

With the new year dawned (happy new year, btw!) it is the impetus to work more on the site. Maybe give it a new look for the new year...I will see what I can find. Maybe not one of my own designs, but another one from somewhere else.

But apart from that, more blogs about paganism here in the UK, abroad, spells, walks in the forest, countryside, general thoughts, advice - all such happy things. And, for me, on an esoteric level - my tarot and runes...I MUST do something positive about them. I have got such lovely decks that are just calling out to be used and learned. So, that is my resolution for this year - to become an adept taroist and a helrunar - lots of hard work, but who knows where it might lead!


tao1776 said...

Happy Yule! The days are getting longer and Beltane is on the horizon. Yay!!!!

Great blog. Will visit often

Liz said...

Yay indeed - welcome Tim - visit often. Just "checked you out" and am pleased that I have. Shall I add you to my links? Let me know if you would like me to.
